T.E. G RAU T.E. Grau is an American writer of Cosmic Horror fiction. He has published a collection of short stories, The Nameless Dark , and a novella, They Don’t Come Home Anymore . What is your earliest reading memory? Probably a book called the Saggy Baggy Elephant by Kathryn and Byron Jackson, one of those Little Golden Book releases from the 1940s/50s with the gold foil on the spine. I must have been 3 or 4 years old when I read it (obsessively so, as I did with all my books when I was very little), so this was the mid-70s. Another big one from a few years later was Professor Wormbog in Search for the Zipparumpazoo by Mercer Mayer (1976), which was my first monster book. Has writing been a conscious choice or a natural thing for you? I can't recall ever making a conscious choice to sit down and write, and - looking back - it seems to be something that I unknowingly developed early on in my childhood, as I much preferred writing to speaking w...